Most days we eat lunch at the office. A woman there is employed as a part-time office cleaner and has her own part-time business making food for us to purchase for morning snack and lunch. The menu is pretty straightforward:
Monday: beans and rice, beef (optional)
Tuesday: pilau (spiced rice with a little beef)
Wednesday: beans and rice and fish
Thursday: beans and rice
Friday: beans and rice, beef (optional)
So, can you guess what day of the week this picture was taken?
If you order fish at a restaurant in Tanzania, you get a fish. We don't have any of that silly American business of cutting off the head and tail, removing the skin, and taking the meat off the bones! If you only want 1/4 of the fish, then you can just pick it off yourself. Around these parts if you say you want fish with your meal, then you get a fish, the whole fish.
Do you eat the fish head/eyes? One of Tim's favorite things to tell people is that he actually *likes* fish heads. It's guaranteed to gross people out every time. :)