When I cook, I like to listen to music. Unfortunately, due to power cuts in Musoma, in order to listen to music, one must have music that works off of a battery! For me, my iPod and headphones suffice. It's a little awkward when the cord snags on a pot handle or something, but thus far I've managed to avoid disaster (iPod flying into a pot of soup, etc.).
Also, when I cook, I like to make tasty things. Unfortunately, due to lack of canned chopped tomatoes in Musoma, in order to make tasty spaghetti sauce, one must peel one's own tomatoes! As you can see in this picture, I'm lifting the peel off of a tomato. I have discovered that peeling tomatoes isn't as difficult as a process as it may sound. If you boil the tomatoes for about 3 minutes, you can lift it off without too much struggle (or losing too much of the tomato). It takes some time, and I highly recommend letting the boiled tomatoes cool a bit before you attempt peeling them, but it works just fine and the spaghetti sauce tastes great.
I think you can also boil the tomatoes for less time, and drop them into ice (cold) water. Then the skins come of easily (and you don't burn your fingers!).