Monday, October 20, 2014

Jesus Film update

For those of you who read my ministry newsletters, you might recall that The JESUS Film has been a major undertaking of late. And by "of late," I suppose I mean for nearly three years now! The Zanaki and Kabwa people groups now have the film in their own languages, as of earlier this year. The Simbiti and Jita people groups will both have it before too much longer - they will start recording next month.

I was quite excited to receive a recent update from a colleague in Musoma about what has been happening with the Zanaki and Kabwa film. Back in August, an organization called Life  Ministry did some evangelism/church planting/Jesus Film showing training for Christian leaders from these groups. Exciting stuff! They equipped them with generators, projectors, and a way to transport these things - motorcycle carts, so now these leaders can travel around their areas to do evangelism and church planting through showing the film. Hooray! I haven't heard a progress report on how it's going, but I'm just excited to know that things are continuing and these films are being used to spread the gospel in people's heart languages!

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