Most Tanzanian foods are fine - not my favorite dishes, but not horrid, either. There are a few that I'd put in the "I hope I am never served that again" category, and there are a few I quite like. But one particular dish is on my all-time beloved meals list - uji wa ulezi (millet porridge).
Andrew thinks it looks like poop and tastes gross, and most other wazungu (white people/foreigners) agree with him. But I think it's fabulous and I love making it a few mornings each week. As an added bonus, it's incredibly healthy. The flour is a mixture of ground millet, peanuts, and soy, so it's really high in protein. Locally, it's considered food for elderly people, children, and sick people, since you don't have to chew anything. Also, I think it's popular for students at boarding schools for breakfast, since it's cheap and healthy and easy to make. But, despite all these wonderful things, most non-Tanzanians think it's disgusting.
To make it, you start by heating water, salt, sugar, and milk powder. Then you add uji flour by spoonfuls and whisk away. When it starts to boil, it gets nice and thick. Delicious! Come on over for Saturday morning breakfast one day and I'll make some for you. If you think it's revolting mush, then you can have toast with Andrew.
I'd be totally game to try it! But then, I'm in that mode right now in Kenya. ;) Greetings from the country next door!