Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Snow play

We played outside in the snow today! We haven't played outside in several weeks, due to rain and/or cold. But today it was just beautiful snow outside, and so we spent the 10-15 minutes required to get the three of us into snow gear and trooped outside. Miracle of miracles, nobody had to go to the bathroom right as we were walking out the door or anything, either. (I've always heard the surest way to get your child to suddenly need to do #2 is to put them in a snowsuit, coat, boots, and mittens.)

Zarya had a blast building "snowmen" (piles of snow), and snow angels and "snow Marys." We had made a few snow angels, and then she flopped back in the snow and announced she was making a snow Mary. I think her reasoning went that if you could make one Christmas story character, why not another? She didn't suggest that Jerod make a snow baby Jesus, which is a good thing, because as you can see in the picture above, he was slightly less than enamored by the snow. He was probably also thinking, "Please don't take my picture right now; this snowsuit makes me look so fat!"

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