Saturday, February 20, 2010

Steps to getting a driver’s license in Musoma – Andrew’s version

1. Go to local medical clinic and complete an eye exam (I don’t actually do anything for the exam; I claim I’m able to read and pay the fee).
2. Go to the police station and try to find out about taking a driving test. We end up agreeing to come back the following week to meet with the inspector and make an appointment.
3. A helpful Tanzanian guy from our office goes the next week to meet with the inspector and make an appointment for that afternoon.
4. Go get a passport photo taken and purchase four copies.
5. Go to another store and purchase a driver’s license booklet.
6. Arrive at the police station for the driver’s test.
a. Sit and visit.
b. Identify two road signs (I’ve maybe seen one or two road signs in all of Musoma).
c. Head out for the actual driving test. We go about ¼ mile and he has me pull over saying that I don’t need to complete the test. If I have an American license and can drive I’m OK.
d. Turn around and head back to the police station.
e. Learn that I need a copy of my Washington driver’s license, a copy of my passport, the passport photos I already have, and a learner’s permit.
7. Go to the Tanzania Revenue Authority building to try and obtain a learner’s permit. No luck.
8. Go back to the police station and find the inspector again, explaining our difficulties. He agrees to help us out.
9. Rush home for appropriate documentation.
10. Rush to the office to make photocopies.
11. Rush back to the police station and give the inspector the appropriate documents and fees for a learner’s permit, driving competence exam, and driver’s license.
12. A couple days later I receive a phone call that my license is ready.
13. Rush to the police station and retrieve the license.
14. Hooray, I have a driver’s license in hand after many hours, miles, and fees!!

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