Friday, May 4, 2012

Market produce

I love the Musoma market!  I've made friends with some of the sellers there and tend to frequent my favorite folks.  Sometimes they give me good deals for being a repeat customer - although here that doesn't work in the form of lowering the price for an item, but tossing a bonus item in my basket for free.  I actually only purchased eight of the ten carrots in this picture; after paying for my eight carrots, the lady selling them gave me two free carrots as a gift.

I usually have a nice little load of basic fruits and veggies after shopping at the market, but on this particular day I got a few extra special items, so I deemed them worthy of a picture.  I very, very rarely buy apples here because they cost so much and often aren't even very good.  But they were nearly half price on this day AND they looked good, so I splurged on two of them, one for each of us.  I also got two pears and three big Kenyan mangoes, more treats.  I like Tanzanian mangoes, but I loooove Kenyan Mangoes.  They rarely have them at the little market here and when they do, they cost extra.  But on this day, they were just too beautiful to pass up.

Avocados here are giant, cheap, and usually perfectly ripe.  Okra is always a winner, limes are beautiful and juicy, oranges are actually green in color outside but lovely inside (provided you like tart oranges), and what would a trip to Musoma market be without buying some passion fruit, cucumber, papaya, green peppers, and tomatoes?  I almost always get those every week.

If you're ever in the area, I'd love to take you shopping with me at our wonderful little market in town!


  1. I'll have you show me around sometime soon! :) And teach me how to tell when passion fruit is ripe - I never did figure that out in Dar, but would eat it (and pineapple) every day if I could...

  2. I would LOVE to join you and Crystal at the market :) Can't wait to meet you guys!!!

  3. I can't believe you can get pears! We rarely by apples here as well. The other day Silas asked how to eat an apple when we had one!
