Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Banana storage experiment conclusion

As promised, I am reporting back to you about how my great banana storage experiment went.  I'm a little late in posting the results, but I assure you that I ate my bananas right on schedule.  This picture is taken exactly one week after putting two bananas in the jar, and the not-so-great looking bananas left on the stem are part of the original bunch, so you can compare how they aged in their peel versus in the jar.

I ate one of bananas that was in the jar three days after putting them in there.  It tasted just fine - like a perfectly good, normal banana.  However, I will point out that the bananas I was eating off the bunch that still had their peels on were also great at that time.

The banana in the picture was consumed shortly after it posed for this glamour shot.  When I opened the jar, it let out quite a bit of pressure, like I'd been flying around with it in an airplane and had just landed.  The banana itself was only slightly softer than it had been a week earlier (and the bananas with the peels were much, much softer by this point).  It had a strong flavor, though.  It wasn't necessarily a bad flavor, but it was like ultra-banana taste.  So while putting the bananas in the jar certainly preserved their life longer than staying in their peels would have, I am not keen on doing it again.  I'd rather have mushy, normal tasting bananas than firm, strong tasting ones.

Actually, what I'd really rather have a week after buying a big bunch of bananas is banana bread.

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