Thursday, August 4, 2011

Please Pray for the Ikizu Luke Dedication!

We have just heard from the group of Ikizu people who are planning the dedication event for Ikizu Luke. They informed us that they have not been able to raise money for the celebration, so they want to postpone the dedication until some future time.

There are several reasons for this:
• This is a difficult year for farmers; there is a drought and people do not have much extra money available to contribute.
• Because the translation project office is in Musoma, which is about two hours away from the Ikizu villages, the churches in the Ikizu area are not very aware of the translation project.
• Ikizu people do not yet understand the value of having Scripture in their own language.
• Spiritual warfare opposing the work.

Please pray that the dedication will happen when and how God wants it to happen! Pray that the planning committee will know whether to organize a smaller event, delay the event until after there is a harvest, or find effective ways to communicate the importance of involvement to local churches. Pray that somehow, someway, the Ikizu people will have the Gospel of Luke!

We are looking at the boxes of books in our office and pray that these books will cease to be in boxes, but will be in the hands of Ikizu people.


  1. How would someone contribute to this celebration?

  2. Interesting question! It would be possible for someone to donate to our ministry through Wycliffe Bible Translators and we could pass the funds along. However, our hope is that, rather than see everything funded by outsiders, for the local Ikizu churches and people to take ownership of the celebration (and the Scripture!) to make it happen in their own way.
