Monday, April 28, 2014

The JESUS Film premieres

Today, Monday April 28, 2014, people of the Kabwa language will be able to watch The JESUS Film in their own language! The big premiere is this evening. And while that is very exciting news, what really touches my heart is that tomorrow, just one day away, the Zanaki people will enjoy their own premiere - The JESUS Film in the Zanaki language! The two Zanaki translators with whom I've worked so closely over the years, Andrew, and I, as well as many of other colleagues, put a lot of work into making the translation of the script and the recording happen. So although I am a continent away for it's first showing, what matters here is that the Zanaki people right there in one of their villages are present, listening to Jesus speaking the Zanaki language!

Pray that hearing the gospel in the language of their heart is a turning point in many people's lives. Pray that many Kabwa and Zanaki people will believe in Jesus!

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