Monday, July 19, 2010

Conference Sharing Time I (Michelle's version)

As mentioned in the big conference post, every member has some time to share with all of the others about their past year. We are instructed to include highlights, what God has been teaching you, and prayer requests. For me (Michelle), here's mine:

-Getting married on July 18, 2009!
-Spending four months in England working on the Swahili Front translation and having a good place to start our marriage that was a new spot for both of us.
-Coming home in February - it is sure nice to be in Musoma again, TOGETHER.
-Making great progress on the gospel of Luke with the Ikizu and Zanaki teams, and good relationships with the translators.

What God has been teaching me:
Through marriage, I've received a great opportunity to learn about...
-Communication. I thought cross-cultural communication with Tanzanians had its challenges, but let me tell you, I've sure learned that husband-wife communications can be pretty complicated, too! God is teaching me about being kind and clear in communication with Andrew and others, including God himself.
-Forgiveness. I need it, and I need to give it. A lot.
-Dying to myself. Yeah, I'm learning through my marriage with Andrew that I am not always right, and even if I am, it's not always loving or kind to insist upon my "rights". Every day I realize just how self-centered I am, and how much work it is to die to myself and serve others.

Prayer Requests:
-For me to prioritize well next year in the office. Several people will be away on furlough, so I'll have some added responsibility in the translation department. Also, I'm a translation consultant-in-training, so I have some work to do on that. Finally, I'm still working with the Ikizu and Zanaki teams, which is a full-time job!
-For a growingly great marriage.

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