Friday, September 5, 2014

New House

Making fried rice with the help of my sous chef

Not a great picture, but you can see the entire kitchen in it

Somebody got a brand-new zebra bean bag chair!

Sunset over the neighbor's backyard (and ours, up to the fence)
We have a house! We're moved in! It's a little exhausting and overwhelming, but also very exciting. We're still just kind of getting used to life in our new digs. I'm happy to report that we're almost entirely unpacked. We're down to the dregs, the "where on earth do we keep old college yearbooks/light bulbs/used batteries/etc." kind of stuff. You know, the stuff that eventually ends up in a box or closet somewhere, but we have to figure out exactly which closet and box!

We haven't quite gotten around to taking many pictures, but here are a few. We love the view out the back - the neighbor's former horse pasture (no horses anymore, just fences and grass). It's really quiet and private! After living in some pretty noisy places (Musoma, an apartment), we're thoroughly enjoying the peacefulness of our new setting.

The kitchen is a bit short on counter space, but it looks better now than it did in the pictures above, when I had just gotten home from a shopping trip and had stuff strewn all over. Then again, I suppose right now it has a breadmaker out on it and the dishes from lunch are drying on a towel on the counter, so it's still full, just with different things that don't seem quite as messy.

Zarya's favorite part of the house is her new zebra bean bag chair, particularly if Curious George is on TV. She and her rabbit (who used to be my rabbit) like to spend a little time there in the morning, if I'm feeling desperate/generous enough to let her watch a bit of Curious George. And these days, a little time to unpack without her help has been motivation enough!

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